
July 23, 2024

The Validate Address endpoint made available for Txn Public API users. This new feature enhances the security and reliability of your crypto payout transactions by providing address validation capabilities.

Key Features:

  • Address Format Validation: Ensures that the provided address adheres to the correct format

  • Address Risk Profile Assessment: Evaluates the risk associated with the address, helping to mitigate fraudulent transactions

Usage Recommendation: We strongly recommend that Txn merchants utilize this endpoint to validate destination wallet addresses before initiating crypto payouts via the Create Payout endpoint. By doing so, you can prevent potential issues arising from invalid address formats or high-risk addresses.

July 12, 2024

The Invoices and Payouts related public API endpoints made available to Txn clients:



July 2, 2024

The Accounts and Exchange related public API endpoints made available to Txn clients:



Last updated